Introduction ============ **RequestSession** is an HTTP library built on top of requests_ that makes your life easier by retrying failed requests, loging the results or even sends metrics to DataDogHQ. RequestSession can also measure the time of requests. Use `RequestSession` to create a client module for accessing a group of resources served on a common endpoint with default values valid for all or most of the calls you need to make. For your convenience, some defaults are already provided. .. _requests: Installation ************ ``request_session`` can be installed using ``pip install request-session``. Basic Usage *********** .. code-block:: python from request_session import RequestSession client = RequestSession( host="", max_retries=4, # how many times to retry in case server error occurs raise_for_status=True, # raise an error if failed on every attempt ) response = client.get( path="/", sleep_before_repeat=1, # how long to wait untill next try tags=[""], # tags to send to DataDogHQ request_category="jobs", # what to log to stdout/stderr )