Metrics ======= In order to use this feature, you must have DataDog integration set up. Everytime you call ``POST``, ``GET``, ``PUT`` or ``DELETE`` methods, several metrics are sent. All metric names are composed from ``request_category`` parameter (either from object property or from argument passed to the method): - **response time** - ``booking.{request_category}.response_time``: Response time metric is used to time how long it took for a client to receive response (if any). - **request status** - ``booking.{request_category}.request``: Request status metric is used to track the success status of the request. Status is tracked with two tag groups: - **status**: status can have 2 values: ``success`` or ``error`` - **error** (optional): error tag is added to event only if request failed (status:error tag is present in the event) and it is used to describe error type in better detail. Possible values are: - ``timeout``: request has timed out - ``http_error``: server has responded http 4xx or 5xx - ``connection_error``: connection to server failed - ``request_exception``: other Bear in mind that ``statsd.namespace`` can be used in order to prepend desired prefix to the metric, e.g. setting ``statsd.namespace = "prefix"`` and calling ``metric_increment(metric="metric", request_category="category")`` will produce ``prefix.category.metric`` instead of ``category.metric``. Additionally, you can include you own tags that will be appended to metric tags. Example of Sending Metrics ************************** To send metrics to DataDogHQ, just pass the ``statsd`` and ``dd-trace`` packages to the object ``RequestSession`` object: .. code-block:: python import ddtrace import statsd from request_session import RequestSession # ...some setting up of statsd and ddtrace... client = RequestSession( host="" request_category="google_search", max_retries=2, datadog_service_name="dd_service_name", ddtrace=ddtrace, statsd=statsd, ) response = client.get(path="/some_path")