Automatic Retries

It is possible to configure a retry in case of request failure. The number of retries is set to 0 by default. You can set the number of retries for all requests trough the object’s attribute max_retries or you can pass the number as an optional parameter max_retries. When calling an HTTP method. The value passed trough method call has precedence. The parameter is the number of retries on failure, not a maximum number of attempts. E.g. if retry is set to 2 and there is no success on any attempt, the total number of requests will be 3: nominal request and 2 retries on failure.

Important note: by default, the request is not retried in case of client error, that is if the server responded with HTTP 4xx, not including HTTP 408 Request Timeout. This behavior is configurable using retriable_client_errors constructor parameter, where custom list of HTTP codes can be provided to enable automatic retry.

If sleep_before_repeat parameter is passed, the method waits for that amount of seconds before retrying.


from request_session import RequestSession
import structlog

logger = structlog.get_logger()

client = RequestSession(
    host="", # to showcase the usage, we're going to call httpbin
    prefix="demo",              # name of the app
    logger=logger,              # log information using structlog

    "/status/500",              # all requests should fail with 500
    sleep_before_repeat=1,      # wait 1 second before retrying
    max_retries=2,              # if failed, retry twice
    request_category="httpbin") # use "httpbin" when logging

This setup generates the following logs:

2019-11-15 08:52.25 demo.httpbin.failed             attempt=1 description=500 Server Error: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR for url: error_type=http_error response_text= status=error status_code=500
2019-11-15 08:52.26 demo.httpbin.failed             attempt=2 description=500 Server Error: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR for url: error_type=http_error response_text= status=error status_code=500
2019-11-15 08:52.27 demo.httpbin.failed             attempt=3 description=500 Server Error: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR for url: error_type=http_error response_text= status=error status_code=500

From the logs, we can see that 3 requests have been made in total (initial one and 2 retries), from which all of them have failed.